Monday, February 4, 2013

Jacob, Laban, Esau and God

We pick up the story with Jacob deciding that he is ready to leave his father-in-law and go back to his own land.  But Laban convinces him to stay and cuts a deal with him to divide the flocks based on whether they are speckled or not and the lambs based on whether they are black or white. 

Laban attempts to trick Jacob and Jacob attempts to trick Laban - these two seem to deserve each other.

After six years Jacob decides that he's leaving - so he sneaks out.  On their way out Rachel steals her father's household idols - in the parlance of the time stealing the blessing of his house.

Laban takes off after Jacob and catches him and gives him what for both for sneaking away and for taking his idols.  Jacob says - hey go ahead and search.  Laban searches but doesn't find the idols because Rachel is sitting on them and excuses herself from getting up by telling her father that it is that time of the month.

Laban and Jacob make peace and go their separate ways.  Jacob is now out of the Laban frying pan, but he has the fire of his brother Esau ahead of him.

He sends out a messanger who says that Esau is coming to meet him with 400 men.  Jacob figures he's in trouble.  So he divides his company in two so that at least one might have a chance to get away.  He sends out lots of livestock as a gift to his brother and waits.

We have a story added in there - that probably comes from an earlier source - where Jacob wrestles with a man who is either an angel or God - the man wins by putting Jacob's hip out of joint and gives him the name Israel - that literally means "contends with God"

In the morning Jacob finally meets his brother and they agree to live in peace.

1 comment:

  1. I am following along - you do make these stories fascinating!
