Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Reflections

I had the typical things to be thankful for this year, my family, my friends, a job I like etc, etc...

But it occured to me on my drive home from Columbus to be thankful for the freedom and ability to travel to where my family was this year.

I drove about 600 miles round trip to my family's home this holiday. Most of it on smooth, well lit, 2 or 3 lanes in each direction, freeways. Behind the wheel of my reliable Honda Accord. Averaging over 70 miles an hour (sshh, don't tell the highway patrol)

For most human beings on earth still today what I did was impossible. If you could, somehow, aquire a car and the gas to put in it, there are no, or only poorly maintained roads. For them, traveling 600 miles by road is facing several days of exhausting and hazardous travel.

It's a small thing, but it brought home to me how much I have to be thankful for and how much of it I regularly take for granted.

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