Monday, March 25, 2019

The Major Prophets: Jeremiah

The book of Jeremiah was written in Jerusalem between 627 and approximately 587.  The major concepts are that because of Judah's sin, God will use the Babylonians to destroy the land, but God will be with them in exile and eventually they will return to the land.

The years of Jeremiah's writing saw the decline of Judah and the carrying away of the leaders, educated and skilled people into captivity in Babylon.

Jeremiah was part of a priestly family, but it is not clear whether or not he followed his father into priestly service before becoming a prophet. 

Jeremiah continued to call the people to repentance.  This was not well received by either the king or the people.  Some of the most poignant pieces of the book are Jeremiah being rejected by the people. 

Jeremiah remained behind when many were carried off into Babylon.  He was a part of the remnant working to rebuild life in the land. 

Readings from Jeremiah for the Bible Challenge are:
March 26 - 30 - Jeremiah 1 - 16
March 31 - April 6 - Jeremiah 17 - 40
April 7 - 9 - Jeremiah 41 - 52

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